Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Sort challenges into those that frustrate and those that inspire, then tackle both.
Missing in Action
What can I say? I have been more than lax in my posting duties and have no other reason except for apathy.
What started as a hiatus due to visiting my little brother and his family at Fort Riley, KS, turned into a lame duck excuse to drop off the planet.
Except I didn't drop off the planet. I landed next to an Apache helicopter! :o
So, now I'm back. (Insert Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" in whatever key you sing.)
I'm running the Dash for Donation 1/2 marathon on July 22, 2006 here in Columbus. I have recently, i.e. today, started training again. I did 3.5 miles this morning at the gym on the treadmill. I abhor running on a treadmill. There's nothing to stop me from stopping. I much rather run outside and go somewhere, if only for the simple fact that I have to get back where I started. Pretty good logic there, no??
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Get ready for things to get a lot easier now. Life's going downhill (in a good way).
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Taking Control
For far too long I have let other things control my life. What I look like? What others think? Well, today I'm going to try and stop that.
I've always been very cautious about my dieting habits. I've always been somewhat embarrased by the fact that I seem to be on a constant diet. My friends tell me I'm crazy. I've already lost close to 100 pounds but it's this last 20 that is giving me fits.
I've done every weight loss program you can imagine. Jenny Craig (it works - lost my first 30 with Jenny); Modified Weight Watchers Points; LA Weight Loss. Watching what I eat and exercising has always worked the best. But lately, I've hit a plataeu. Nothing was working. So one day I saw an informercial for Body Victory by Marilu Henner. It advocates no diary, red meat or refined sugars and food combining. The first four days are focused on eliminating the Bad Fours - diary, red meat, sugar and alcohol. Alcohol is easy - I don't drink that much anyway. Starting with day five, the food combining comes into play. Fruits must be eaten alone. Starches can only be eaten with vegetables and proteins can only be eaten with vegetables. Starches and protein in one meal is a big no-no.
It's day two and so far, so good. I had a slight headache yesterday from the lack of sugar. It's amazing how sugar just creeps into all sorts of foods!
But today I resolved to myself, to take control of my life.
I've always been very cautious about my dieting habits. I've always been somewhat embarrased by the fact that I seem to be on a constant diet. My friends tell me I'm crazy. I've already lost close to 100 pounds but it's this last 20 that is giving me fits.
I've done every weight loss program you can imagine. Jenny Craig (it works - lost my first 30 with Jenny); Modified Weight Watchers Points; LA Weight Loss. Watching what I eat and exercising has always worked the best. But lately, I've hit a plataeu. Nothing was working. So one day I saw an informercial for Body Victory by Marilu Henner. It advocates no diary, red meat or refined sugars and food combining. The first four days are focused on eliminating the Bad Fours - diary, red meat, sugar and alcohol. Alcohol is easy - I don't drink that much anyway. Starting with day five, the food combining comes into play. Fruits must be eaten alone. Starches can only be eaten with vegetables and proteins can only be eaten with vegetables. Starches and protein in one meal is a big no-no.
It's day two and so far, so good. I had a slight headache yesterday from the lack of sugar. It's amazing how sugar just creeps into all sorts of foods!
But today I resolved to myself, to take control of my life.
Today's Inspirational Thought
Today's a good time to take control. Push things in the direction you want to take.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Take people as they actually are, not as how you think they should be.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
In honor of today's activities - A bad day of golf is better than a good day at the office. :-)
Not that today's golfing was bad...it wasn't. We were en fuego!
Not that today's golfing was bad...it wasn't. We were en fuego!
June 12 of 12
Yippie! I did it! I wasn't able to get the bonus pic at 10 a.m. as I left my camera in my car at the golf course, but I got my 12 pics done! All pictures taken in the greater Columbus, Ohio area.
6.16 a.m. Wake up call!
7.45 a.m. Shorts or jeans? Either is appropriate for the golf course I'm playing at. The question is what to wear when the high is a good 20 degrees below the norm! -- I opted for khaki pants. ;-)
8.05 a.m. Fore! Loading up the clubs for a good ole' fashion golf scramble. (FYI - We played very good for us...we finished even!)
8.40 a.m. The open road! Actually, the road back towards the golf course. I drove past it on the first try.
3.15 p.m. Gas for $2.69 a gallon! Ordinarily this would not make me very happy, but I had just passed a string of gas stations for $2.95 a gallon! Anyone care to tell me what caused gas to increae thirty cents in seven hours??
3.30 p.m. My local National City bank branch. I had to try and find a deposit that was recorded as an "incomplete transaction" at the ATM Sunday afternoon. Needless to say, I'm a little ticked. I have to try back tomorrow after the checks are counted and if it isn't caught, I have to file an ATM dispute. The good news is that it was a work check, so I can track it if the bank cancels it.
4.25 p.m. You've Got Mail! Shape Magazine and various items of junk! Ooh la la!
5.05 p.m. The Supercouple Returns! Steve and Kayla are returning to Days of Our Lives so I set my DVR to record it again for the time being. We'll see how the storyline progresses. It's been FOREVER since I watched Days with any regularity.
6.10 p.m. A look at my gradebook. It was time for me to download student assignments. Fun times!
6.30 p.m. Just checking up on one of my favorite blogs to read! ;-)
7.30 p.m. Time to do the dishes!
8.10 p.m. My cell phone and The Broker. How I'm going to spend my evening. Talking to my boyfriend and reading a few chapters.
Viola! My first of 12 of 12!
I hope you enjoy!

Viola! My first of 12 of 12!
I hope you enjoy!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Closer

If you aren't watching this show, you're missing out. Kyra Sedgwick is phenononmal! The stories pop and the chemistry amongst the stars is great. I really like the dynamic between Kyra and Jon Tenny.
The Closer - Check it Out! Mondays at 9 p.m. Eastern on TNT.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Put your needs behind the needs of others today and you will gain in the long run.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Something beyond your control will push all your plans forward into action today.
And it's actually very appropriate today...
And it's actually very appropriate today...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
A little late. But you know what they say, "better late than never!"
Efforts you put into things now will pay off tenfold. Roll up your sleeves and go!
Efforts you put into things now will pay off tenfold. Roll up your sleeves and go!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Idea for a Class Exercise
By day I fight the good fight for the members of my bargaining unit. By night (and all hours of the day really) I teach Business Law online for Franklin University. In the last week of the class, one item they learn about is the "fair use" exception to copyright law. Tonight, in my bid to be as nosy as the next person and see the picture of Shiloh Nouvel, I found it on Gawker.com, which had reposted all the legal correspondence it received regarding said posting. Gawker.com is making the argument that the posting of the thumbnail constitutes a fair use. Obviously Time, Inc. disagrees. Heck, tomorrow it really won't matter as the issues of People and Hello! will be published with the real pictures. I think it'll be interesting to see how the students handle the issue.
Today's Inspirational Thought
Have faith in yourself. If you imagine you can do it, it's already nearly done.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Which Sports Car Are You?
I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!
You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
I hate Corvettes...so I'm not necessarily thrilled with this bit of information but the description does fit me to a tee! ;-)
Take the quiz yourself!
Quiz courtesy of Miss Mantoan's blogspot.
Blog Title
I'm sure some may be wondering what my blog title means. I firmly believe in the caveat - "Everything happens for a reason." I just wish I knew I what the reason was when it happens! That and it's catchy. I'm all about the catch.
First Post
So, I've been on the internet for what feels like an eternity and through my travels, I've read plenty of blogs. I even had a Live Journal account, whichI used.....once. So, you ask, why create a new blog? Well, I'll tell you. It's all due to Chad Darnell and his 12 of 12. It's a little thing he's got going on his blog where he and several (multiples of ten, several) readers take and post 12 pictures of themselves and/or their lives on the 12th day of every month. I'm sitting here at work and thought for one minute that I might give it a shot. I'll be golfing on the 12th, so it should be interesting.
So, that's the primary reason for the blog. A secondary reason I suppose could be to serve as a simple journal of sorts. Random thoughts, etc. Again, we'll see how it goes. Are you getting the theme? I'm laid back...take everything as it comes.
With that said, I shall return to post more information about me. I just wanted to get this blog started. :-)
So, that's the primary reason for the blog. A secondary reason I suppose could be to serve as a simple journal of sorts. Random thoughts, etc. Again, we'll see how it goes. Are you getting the theme? I'm laid back...take everything as it comes.
With that said, I shall return to post more information about me. I just wanted to get this blog started. :-)
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