Here it is! Another 12 of 12 courtesy of
Chad Darnell. This month's was extra special as it my friend
Christin's birthday today and I and a couple other friends thought of a special way to include her in our 12 of 12 this month!

4:25 a.m. It's too early for this!

5:25 a.m. Grabbing the gym bag to head out the door. I had a 7:30 a.m. meeting at my old law school, so I worked out at the downtown World's.

9:30 a.m. The agenda and some notes I jotted down during the meeting.

6:10 p.m. Driving through the ATM to deposit a couple of checks and make a teeny withdrawal :D

6:17 p.m. Kanye West's "Stronger" on XM's 20 on 20.

6:20 p.m. Driving past Bob McDorman Corvette World...or whatever it's called.

6:30 p.m. Arriving at the Store that Must Not Be Named to purchase Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy for $33! and a little something for the aforementioned Christin. ^_^

6:50 p.m. Started the car to find out that I am down to 10% oil life. Good thing I have the service scheduled for Monday!

7:00 p.m. Driving through Starbucks to get some caffeine. I've had a dull headache most of the afternoon and I thought it might have been due to a lack of caffeine. Only had a small cup at this morning's meeting.

7:15 p.m. If you look closely, you'll see a hot air balloon!

7:20 p.m. The aforementioned caffeine! A grande non-fat vanilla latte sub sugar free vanilla and add one pump sugar free caramel. Yes, I have become a Starbucks yuppie...

7:45 p.m. Settling down to watch TNT's "The Closer" with the fabulous Kyra Sedgwyck!
Bonus Picture! This month's theme was "Unexpected" and this picture will be unexpected to Christin.
Helenand I conspired to surprise her with a little birthday cheer! Happy Birthday Christin! I'm so glad we've become friends!