Saturday, November 11, 2006
12.9 Miles
Total miles for this week. All in preparation for the Las Vegas 1/2 Marathon next month.
Miles are miles and my hips hurt to prove it.
Miles are miles and my hips hurt to prove it.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
School Violence
What the frak is up with the recent school shootings? I don't even know if school violence is an appropriate title....these weren't disgruntled children - they were sick, sick, sick men. I think the recent rash of school shootings should start up the debate on gun violence again.
Here is the second amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I could talk for hours on the second amendment and the extreme misinterpretation of the wording. Shall I start? What people fail to understand is that limitations may be placed upon the amendments. The amendments are not absolute. I am not a strict constructionist. I believe that the US Constitution is a living document. I believe that the Constitution has to be interpreted in conjunction with the Framer's intent and the current world situation.The First Amendment guarantees free speech. Yet, free speech is not absolute. You cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater - it creates a clear and present danger. You cannot threaten the US President - I think that may fall under c&p too...but I'm not sure. You cannot present false or misleading advertising. These are all limitations which the US Supreme Court has placed upon the First Amendment. Now, given that it is the First Amendment, one could reasonably argue, that the Framers intended it to be the most important. Yet, reasonable limitations have been placed upon it.
Now, let's take a look at old number two. Back in 1776, our fore fathers were fighting a revolution for freedom. They were seeking independence from Britain. Britain had the Royal Army? The Thirteen Colonies had nada. As such, a militia was required to fight the Brits. The Framers gave each person the right to bear arms, in order to form a militia which was necessary for the security of a free state.
Now, let's jump to 2006. We have the US Army, the US Navy, the US Marine Corps and the US Air Force. All of which were formed for the security of a free state. So, naturally it begs the question as to whether the right to bear arms is even necessary?I believe that the right to bear arms should be preserved. If we unilaterally eliminated an amendment, it would be bad policy. There is something to say for preserving the Constitution. However, as limits have been placed upon free speech, remember that it's guaranteed by the First Amendment, it is not unreasonable to place limits upon the Second Amendment.Let's be realistic.
Is an AK-47 necessary to home defense? No. Are waiting periods and background checks an unreasonable restriction before a gun can be purchased? No. Is it unreasonable to hold gun manufacturers accountable for their creations? No.So, let's have a serious discussion about the second amendment and discuss the small steps that can be taken to maybe lessen the violence that our children are going up to.
Here is the second amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I could talk for hours on the second amendment and the extreme misinterpretation of the wording. Shall I start? What people fail to understand is that limitations may be placed upon the amendments. The amendments are not absolute. I am not a strict constructionist. I believe that the US Constitution is a living document. I believe that the Constitution has to be interpreted in conjunction with the Framer's intent and the current world situation.The First Amendment guarantees free speech. Yet, free speech is not absolute. You cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater - it creates a clear and present danger. You cannot threaten the US President - I think that may fall under c&p too...but I'm not sure. You cannot present false or misleading advertising. These are all limitations which the US Supreme Court has placed upon the First Amendment. Now, given that it is the First Amendment, one could reasonably argue, that the Framers intended it to be the most important. Yet, reasonable limitations have been placed upon it.
Now, let's take a look at old number two. Back in 1776, our fore fathers were fighting a revolution for freedom. They were seeking independence from Britain. Britain had the Royal Army? The Thirteen Colonies had nada. As such, a militia was required to fight the Brits. The Framers gave each person the right to bear arms, in order to form a militia which was necessary for the security of a free state.
Now, let's jump to 2006. We have the US Army, the US Navy, the US Marine Corps and the US Air Force. All of which were formed for the security of a free state. So, naturally it begs the question as to whether the right to bear arms is even necessary?I believe that the right to bear arms should be preserved. If we unilaterally eliminated an amendment, it would be bad policy. There is something to say for preserving the Constitution. However, as limits have been placed upon free speech, remember that it's guaranteed by the First Amendment, it is not unreasonable to place limits upon the Second Amendment.Let's be realistic.
Is an AK-47 necessary to home defense? No. Are waiting periods and background checks an unreasonable restriction before a gun can be purchased? No. Is it unreasonable to hold gun manufacturers accountable for their creations? No.So, let's have a serious discussion about the second amendment and discuss the small steps that can be taken to maybe lessen the violence that our children are going up to.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
What are you waiting for? Playing hard-to-get isn't your game. Say 'yes' today.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Stay focused on the important things in life ... if it's not fun, it's not right.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Clean out your emotional closet today. Let your outmoded feelings drift away.
Here it is - my training schedule for the Las Vegas 1/2 marathon on December 10, 2006. Many thanks to Candace for writing it up for me. :)
Every week:
Mondays: Easy recovery miles or Cross Training
Tuesday: 3-4 miles (if you'd like to do hill intervals or speed intervals it would help).
Wednesday: Cross Training
Thursday: 3-4 miles (again, hill intervals, tempo runs and speed intervals are good).
Friday: 20 min of easy running, or cross train
Saturday: Long Runs
Sunday: Rest
Long Runs:
Sept 25-Oct 1: 3 miles
Oct 2-8: 4 miles
Oct 9-15: 5 miles
Oct 16-22: 6 miles
Oct 23-29: 7 miles
Oct 30-Nov 5: 8.5 miles
Nov 6- 12: Step back week- 6 miles
Nov 13-19: 10 miles
Nov 20-26: 12 miles
Nov 27-Dec 3: Taper- 5 or 6 miles
Dec 10th: Vegas 1/2 Marathon!
Every week:
Mondays: Easy recovery miles or Cross Training
Tuesday: 3-4 miles (if you'd like to do hill intervals or speed intervals it would help).
Wednesday: Cross Training
Thursday: 3-4 miles (again, hill intervals, tempo runs and speed intervals are good).
Friday: 20 min of easy running, or cross train
Saturday: Long Runs
Sunday: Rest
Long Runs:
Sept 25-Oct 1: 3 miles
Oct 2-8: 4 miles
Oct 9-15: 5 miles
Oct 16-22: 6 miles
Oct 23-29: 7 miles
Oct 30-Nov 5: 8.5 miles
Nov 6- 12: Step back week- 6 miles
Nov 13-19: 10 miles
Nov 20-26: 12 miles
Nov 27-Dec 3: Taper- 5 or 6 miles
Dec 10th: Vegas 1/2 Marathon!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
If you have been looking for a time when things got easier, that day is here!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Habits can be crutches -- and you don't need any crutches. Break some today.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Ask for all the help you need today. You might get more than you bargained for!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Your subconscious knows that you have the resolve and wisdom to achieve anything.
Yesterday's Inspriational Thought (I was out of town and unable to access the web...)
Today you will be intrigued by someone or something intimidating -- investigate!
Yesterday's Inspriational Thought (I was out of town and unable to access the web...)
Today you will be intrigued by someone or something intimidating -- investigate!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Make a fresh start in an old relationship and you will make everything fun again!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
You need to get active, get involved and do something! Put together a group event.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Why the Digital Video Recorder is the best invention ever!
10 PM – Brothers & Sisters – ABC *I'll watch the pilot and see what I think... *
8 PM - Prison Break - FOX
9 PM – Vanished – FOX
10 PM – CSI:Miami – CBS -- It's a very guilty pleasure...
10 PM – Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip – NBC
8 PM – Gilmore Girls – CW
8 PM - I'd like to watch Friday Night Lights, but it's third in the timeslot, and the DVR can only record two shows at I think it's SOL.
9 PM – Veronica Mars – CW
10 PM - Smith - CBS
8 PM – Bones – FOX
9 PM – Justice – FOX
9 PM – Lost – ABC
10 PM - The Nine - ABC
10 PM – Kidnapped – NBC *If I like the pilot*
8 PM - My Name is Earl - NBC
8 PM - Ugly Betty - ABC *ABC's Inner Circle convinced me to at least watch the pilot*
8:30 PM - The Office - NBC
9 PM - CSI - CBS
9 PM – Greys Anatomy – ABC
10 PM – Shark – CBS *If I like the pilot*
9 PM - Las Vegas - NBC
9 PM - Men in Trees - ABC *I have to watch the pilot and still decide.*
10 PM – Brothers & Sisters – ABC *I'll watch the pilot and see what I think... *
8 PM - Prison Break - FOX
9 PM – Vanished – FOX
10 PM – CSI:Miami – CBS -- It's a very guilty pleasure...
10 PM – Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip – NBC
8 PM – Gilmore Girls – CW
8 PM - I'd like to watch Friday Night Lights, but it's third in the timeslot, and the DVR can only record two shows at I think it's SOL.
9 PM – Veronica Mars – CW
10 PM - Smith - CBS
8 PM – Bones – FOX
9 PM – Justice – FOX
9 PM – Lost – ABC
10 PM - The Nine - ABC
10 PM – Kidnapped – NBC *If I like the pilot*
8 PM - My Name is Earl - NBC
8 PM - Ugly Betty - ABC *ABC's Inner Circle convinced me to at least watch the pilot*
8:30 PM - The Office - NBC
9 PM - CSI - CBS
9 PM – Greys Anatomy – ABC
10 PM – Shark – CBS *If I like the pilot*
9 PM - Las Vegas - NBC
9 PM - Men in Trees - ABC *I have to watch the pilot and still decide.*
Today's Inspirational Thought
Like a wild horse, you will not be receptive to being reined in or managed today.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Tip generously today -- the goodwill will make someone's day and make you feel good.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Focus on the good parts of a troubled relationship -- there is still hope there.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
If they need you to get involved, they will ask. It's not wise to do it otherwise.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Let go of your expectations today ... accept the rate at which things are moving.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
As early as you can today, put yourself in close contact with the powerful people.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Anything that reminds you of the past will give you a better sense of the present.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Start the day as socially as possible ... being alone will make you too sensitive.
Aint' that the damn truth...
Aint' that the damn truth...
I apologize to those attempting to comment and not being allowed to. I switched to the aforementioned Beta Blogger and apparently that's a glitch. Had I known commenting to mine (and me to others) would be such a pain in the ass, I wouldn't have switched.
You can comment if you like, but you have to do so anonmously, so leave your name if you do!
You can comment if you like, but you have to do so anonmously, so leave your name if you do!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
September 12 of 12
Per Chad Darnell, here is this month's version of 12 of 12!

7:23 a.m. Getting ready for the day watching the Today Show.

7:39 a.m. My condo is for sale...if you know anyone looking for a very tastefully decorated condo in the greater Columbus area...shoot me a line! ;)

8:22 a.m. Dropping off the ole Civic for the 142,250 mile service. Yes, my girl has been good to me!

9:36 a.m. Parking in downtown Columbus in the rain sucks!

12:14 p.m. My new find - Lipton Mango Mandarin Green Tea to Go! YUM!

2:33 p.m. Finalizing my briefcase for tomorrow's termination arbitration. Investigation - check!
Exhibits - check!
Paper - check!

5:44 p.m. Trip to the Kroger for some apples and a Mega Millions ticket! **Cross your fingers!**

6:30 The aforementioned Mega Millions ticket!

8:09 p.m. Dancing with the Stars is back!!

8:33 p.m. Have to check in with my Can girls. They are my rock.

8:49 p.m. Picking out the power suit for tomorrow.

9:05 p.m. Setting the alarm for a gym morning. Have lots of stress to work off.
The 13th pic this month was supposed to involve the word break. At this moment in time, it does not have a good connotation for me, so I'm not going to use it.
I hope you enjoy!
7:23 a.m. Getting ready for the day watching the Today Show.
7:39 a.m. My condo is for sale...if you know anyone looking for a very tastefully decorated condo in the greater Columbus area...shoot me a line! ;)
8:22 a.m. Dropping off the ole Civic for the 142,250 mile service. Yes, my girl has been good to me!
9:36 a.m. Parking in downtown Columbus in the rain sucks!
12:14 p.m. My new find - Lipton Mango Mandarin Green Tea to Go! YUM!
2:33 p.m. Finalizing my briefcase for tomorrow's termination arbitration. Investigation - check!
Exhibits - check!
Paper - check!
5:44 p.m. Trip to the Kroger for some apples and a Mega Millions ticket! **Cross your fingers!**
6:30 The aforementioned Mega Millions ticket!
8:09 p.m. Dancing with the Stars is back!!
8:33 p.m. Have to check in with my Can girls. They are my rock.
8:49 p.m. Picking out the power suit for tomorrow.
9:05 p.m. Setting the alarm for a gym morning. Have lots of stress to work off.
The 13th pic this month was supposed to involve the word break. At this moment in time, it does not have a good connotation for me, so I'm not going to use it.
I hope you enjoy!
Today's Inspirational Thought
There's been some fuzzy communication -- double-check that you're on top of things.
I swear my horoscope is always DEAD on!
I swear my horoscope is always DEAD on!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
A friend is in the mood for an adventure -- this may require your inventive touch.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Beta Blogger
Try it!
It's so easy to edit templates, etc. Now I just need the time to play around with it.
It's so easy to edit templates, etc. Now I just need the time to play around with it.
Today's Inspirational Thought
A casual conversation with someone else might veer into mighty deep territory soon.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Stop holding yourself to such a high standard now -- cut yourself some slack.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
I got away from it for a while. But there are actually many changes going on in my life at the moment and near future, so I thought I ought to start recording these again.
Afterall, all it is is the quick horoscope on my My Yahoo! page. ;-)
Get comfortable with the idea of change -- don't put all your eggs into one basket.
Afterall, all it is is the quick horoscope on my My Yahoo! page. ;-)
Get comfortable with the idea of change -- don't put all your eggs into one basket.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Why I shouldn't try to be a plumber...
And here's a funny story to make you laugh...although I wasn't laughing much last night since it was happening to me...but it is pretty funny and hopefully will stay funny rather than tragic.
The fill valve in my toilet needed to be replaced. So I went to Home Depot and bought a new one. I stopped the water supply and drained the tank. So far, so good. I couldn't get the valve undone from the water hose, so I was stuck. I needed to two pairs of to hold the existing valve in place and the other to turn the hose off the valve. Enter Jacqui. We try and try and try. Still can't get the hose off the valve. So Jacqui says, well since we don't need the old fill valve, let's just break it off and it'll slide through the bottom. Which it does...but we still can't get the valve off the hose. It's only about six or seven inches long, so we're bending down trying to get leverage on this hose that is quite mobile and causing me great frustration. So I'm looking at the water shut off valve and see that it slightly extends from the wall and I have the bright idea to turn it and see if we can take it off the wall and get it off that way. Yeah, see where this is going?? I only shut off the water to the toliet...not the main water valve. (If there were a gushing water smiley...this is where it would be inserted.) It was literally like something you would have seen on "I Love Lucy". Jacqui immediately asked where the main water valve was and I DID NOT KNOW! So she ran down immediately while, I tried to push the cover back on the pipe. In the meantime the valve would be opened while I tried to fix it and so rushing water was flying all over the bathroom and out into my bedroom reaching as far as my bed! I finally got it closed again and by then Jacqui found the main valve and shut it off. But there was a lot of water on my floor and I was freaking out. All I kept thinking was that I'm trying to sell my house and now I'm going to have all this water damage. We got the water dried up and headed to Home Depot to buy a better wrench and maybe a new water hose. We talked with an HD guy and he put a new scare in me that I may have broken the pipe, maybe broken the pipe behind the wall and I felt like I was going to throw up. He gave me some PVC glue incase it was still leaking and we went on our way. About an hour later....I tell you, plumbers are probably worth every penny...we got the fill valve installed. We turned on the water again, the tank filled up and there was no water leaking from the wall or the for now I'm cautiously optimistic....
Poor Lee. He called after we got back from Home Depot and I was freaking out on the phone with him. He kept trying to reassure me that it wasn't that bad and that if I needed to go behind the wall, it wasn't a big deal. WASN'T A BIG DEAL?!? Easy for him to say. Anyway, he kept trying to get me to smile or laugh and I was to the put where I was laughing and crying at the same time. As of this morning, still no excess water anywhere.
Regardless I had one hell of night and one that I do not wish to repeat. EVER.
This message has been brought to you by "The Committee to Keep Elaine From Plumbing Catastrophes"
The fill valve in my toilet needed to be replaced. So I went to Home Depot and bought a new one. I stopped the water supply and drained the tank. So far, so good. I couldn't get the valve undone from the water hose, so I was stuck. I needed to two pairs of to hold the existing valve in place and the other to turn the hose off the valve. Enter Jacqui. We try and try and try. Still can't get the hose off the valve. So Jacqui says, well since we don't need the old fill valve, let's just break it off and it'll slide through the bottom. Which it does...but we still can't get the valve off the hose. It's only about six or seven inches long, so we're bending down trying to get leverage on this hose that is quite mobile and causing me great frustration. So I'm looking at the water shut off valve and see that it slightly extends from the wall and I have the bright idea to turn it and see if we can take it off the wall and get it off that way. Yeah, see where this is going?? I only shut off the water to the toliet...not the main water valve. (If there were a gushing water smiley...this is where it would be inserted.) It was literally like something you would have seen on "I Love Lucy". Jacqui immediately asked where the main water valve was and I DID NOT KNOW! So she ran down immediately while, I tried to push the cover back on the pipe. In the meantime the valve would be opened while I tried to fix it and so rushing water was flying all over the bathroom and out into my bedroom reaching as far as my bed! I finally got it closed again and by then Jacqui found the main valve and shut it off. But there was a lot of water on my floor and I was freaking out. All I kept thinking was that I'm trying to sell my house and now I'm going to have all this water damage. We got the water dried up and headed to Home Depot to buy a better wrench and maybe a new water hose. We talked with an HD guy and he put a new scare in me that I may have broken the pipe, maybe broken the pipe behind the wall and I felt like I was going to throw up. He gave me some PVC glue incase it was still leaking and we went on our way. About an hour later....I tell you, plumbers are probably worth every penny...we got the fill valve installed. We turned on the water again, the tank filled up and there was no water leaking from the wall or the for now I'm cautiously optimistic....
Poor Lee. He called after we got back from Home Depot and I was freaking out on the phone with him. He kept trying to reassure me that it wasn't that bad and that if I needed to go behind the wall, it wasn't a big deal. WASN'T A BIG DEAL?!? Easy for him to say. Anyway, he kept trying to get me to smile or laugh and I was to the put where I was laughing and crying at the same time. As of this morning, still no excess water anywhere.
Regardless I had one hell of night and one that I do not wish to repeat. EVER.
This message has been brought to you by "The Committee to Keep Elaine From Plumbing Catastrophes"
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Today you can still influence the way things go without being the big boss.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
August 12 of 12 - One Week Warning
Next Saturday is the 12th day of the month so that means it's time for another 12 of 12!
Chad Darnell started the craze. This month's bonus pic is "homage". Interesting...
Chad Darnell started the craze. This month's bonus pic is "homage". Interesting...
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Grey's Anatomy
I love this show. I just found this parody of the George/Izzie/Cristina/Meredith shower scene on You Tube. I'm going to try this embedding thing out. Hope it works!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
It's All Really in Your Head
Perseverance is a virtue. It's a pain in the ass...but a virtue nonetheless. Fortunately, it is a virtue that I have.
I signed up for a 10 mile race today instead of the 5K because my best friend talked me into it. It started at 8 a.m. and it was about 84 degrees with 95% humidity when it started. It was horrible. At the 5K turnaround, I was thisclose to turning around and calling it a day at three miles. But I persevered and kept going. My next mental obstacle was at the three mile marker. I told myself if I turned around after three, I'd have done six miles and that would be something too. But I persevered and finished the 10 miles. The sweat was just sitting on my body. It was horrible.
I so prefer running in the cold.
I signed up for a 10 mile race today instead of the 5K because my best friend talked me into it. It started at 8 a.m. and it was about 84 degrees with 95% humidity when it started. It was horrible. At the 5K turnaround, I was thisclose to turning around and calling it a day at three miles. But I persevered and kept going. My next mental obstacle was at the three mile marker. I told myself if I turned around after three, I'd have done six miles and that would be something too. But I persevered and finished the 10 miles. The sweat was just sitting on my body. It was horrible.
I so prefer running in the cold.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Sorting the problems in your life will be very productive (and easy) right now.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
What to do on a Sunday?
I spent the morning volunteering at a triathlon. It was a different experience for me. It's amazing at the spirit and dedication these athletes exhibit. It was kinda nice just being able to watch the event rather than mentally prepare for it. Not that I would do a triathlon. A duathlon maybe. But we'll see about that.
We worked the bike course. I felt really good supporting and cheering the athletes on. You could see some of them really appreciated the support. 15 or 25 miles on bike...after a swim or a HARD work. Each of those athletes is to be commended for it.
I spent the morning volunteering at a triathlon. It was a different experience for me. It's amazing at the spirit and dedication these athletes exhibit. It was kinda nice just being able to watch the event rather than mentally prepare for it. Not that I would do a triathlon. A duathlon maybe. But we'll see about that.
We worked the bike course. I felt really good supporting and cheering the athletes on. You could see some of them really appreciated the support. 15 or 25 miles on bike...after a swim or a HARD work. Each of those athletes is to be commended for it.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
45 Foot Putt
Yes, I made that putt!
It was a thing of beauty. I only wish it was videotaped for posterity. :)
It was a thing of beauty. I only wish it was videotaped for posterity. :)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Wanted: Job in Higher Ed or Human Resources
Know of any universities looking for an energetic people person who could persuade students to attend your university? Yeah...didn't think so.
What about a company looking to impact their HR department by hiring someone keen on employee issues while recognizing that a company's mission is its heart and soul? Two for two? Darn.
Well, I'm looking for a job in either of the two areas in the greater Tampa, FL region. The plan is to be living in Tampa by November. Job Wanted.
What about a company looking to impact their HR department by hiring someone keen on employee issues while recognizing that a company's mission is its heart and soul? Two for two? Darn.
Well, I'm looking for a job in either of the two areas in the greater Tampa, FL region. The plan is to be living in Tampa by November. Job Wanted.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
There's nothing wrong with patting yourself on the back. You did well, so be proud!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
6 miles
Six miles in preparation for next Saturday's 1/2 marathon.
Up early to run early to avoid the scorching heat that came later in the day. Too bad it was just wet outside. It wasn't raining...the humidity was so thick that it just laid like a second skin. YUCK.
What am I going to do when I move to Tampa?!?
Two three and a halfers this week before Saturday.
Got all my gear - hydration belt and several varieties of GU. Tried the chocolate this morning....not too bad.
The goal is 2:45. Did it in 3:09 last year. Totally doable. If I run the whole thing...can probably beat 2:45. But I'm not setting myself up for that.
Up early to run early to avoid the scorching heat that came later in the day. Too bad it was just wet outside. It wasn't raining...the humidity was so thick that it just laid like a second skin. YUCK.
What am I going to do when I move to Tampa?!?
Two three and a halfers this week before Saturday.
Got all my gear - hydration belt and several varieties of GU. Tried the chocolate this morning....not too bad.
The goal is 2:45. Did it in 3:09 last year. Totally doable. If I run the whole thing...can probably beat 2:45. But I'm not setting myself up for that.
So, You Think You Can Dance?

How did I not know to watch this show?? It's going to be my newest obsession! Thank you DVR! ;)
I have a hard time picking my favorite...

Thursday, July 13, 2006
Random Question
Your pajamas have duckies on them. Why did you switch from choo-choos?
Because life is constantly moving and you can only have so many quacks in your life.
Because life is constantly moving and you can only have so many quacks in your life.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
July 12 of 12
Another 12 of 12 has come to pass! I'm a little slow on the uptake getting them posted, but here they are nonetheless! Enjoy! All pictures taken in the greater Columbus, Ohio area.
8.14 a.m. Out the garage on to the open road!
9.05 a.m. The view from Dennis' desk as I went looking for a file.
10.14 a.m. Hanging up phone after talking with Wayne, one of my staff reps.
11.23 a.m. Finishing off my left over chicken mozzarella tomato sandwhich a little early. I was starving!
1.18 p.m. My vantage point sitting at my desk.
5.14 p.m. Attempting to photograph my setting the alarm.
5.15 p.m. Success!
6.21 p.m. Pad Thai. A little spicier than I would have liked. But more on that in the “anecdote” photo.
9.45 p.m. Looking at the laundry room on the way up to bed after not having done the laundry that needed to get done.
9.55 p.m. Setting the alarm for tomorrow.
10.16 p.m. Brushing the pearly whites!
10.45 p.m. The gym bag is all packed for an early morning jaunt.
And the Bonus picture of the day revolved around the word “anecdote”.
5.50 p.m. Arriving at Pad Thai, in search to find Thai food that is just as good as the Siam Noodle in Chicago, IL. CanCan 2006 was this past weekend and our lovely Chicago hostess with the mostess, Heather, took us to the infamous Noodle for the best Thai I’ve ever had. Alas, I’m on a search to find equally good Thai in Columbus. This came close…but not really.
5.50 p.m. Arriving at Pad Thai, in search to find Thai food that is just as good as the Siam Noodle in Chicago, IL. CanCan 2006 was this past weekend and our lovely Chicago hostess with the mostess, Heather, took us to the infamous Noodle for the best Thai I’ve ever had. Alas, I’m on a search to find equally good Thai in Columbus. This came close…but not really.
Monday, July 10, 2006
10 miles
Yes, I did it!
With the support of Can, Sunday morning we did 10 miles along Lake Michigan. It was tough. I ran about 90% of it. A couple of walking breaks after the turn and a walk back to the hotel after we got off the trail, but it was done in a little over two hours.
Now crazy thoughts like I could maybe actually run the entire 1/2 marathon on July 22 are entering my mind!
And Can has me thisclose to signing up for a 1/2 marathon in Vegas in December.
Somebody wake me when it's over.
With the support of Can, Sunday morning we did 10 miles along Lake Michigan. It was tough. I ran about 90% of it. A couple of walking breaks after the turn and a walk back to the hotel after we got off the trail, but it was done in a little over two hours.
Now crazy thoughts like I could maybe actually run the entire 1/2 marathon on July 22 are entering my mind!
And Can has me thisclose to signing up for a 1/2 marathon in Vegas in December.
Somebody wake me when it's over.
CanCon 2006

It's pretty much officially over. :( Kimmie is staying one more night with Jules and then she's back to L-ville.
It was an awesome weekend! The Can girls are so superswank, it really can't be put into words.
Saturday afternoon, we accumulated at the downtown Marriott and then we walked around downtown Chicago in our CanCon shirts on Saturday and got many puzzled was hysterical.
Saturday night, we had the full Chicago experience - a ride on the El and Giardiano's stuffed pizza. YUM!
Sunday, we topped our Chicago experience with a visit to Wrigley Field and dinner at Navy Pier.
It was a great time!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Magic Gopher
Darn thing had me stumped all morning! Had to seek an outside opinion to figure it out. Can you??
Magic Gopher
Magic Gopher
12 of 12 Preview
Next Wednesday is the 12th of July, which can only mean one thing - Chad Darnell's 12 of 12!
This month the bonus pic revolves around a random word.
My random word is "anecdote".
How in the world am I going to take a picture that revolves around the word anecdote? If a passer-by has any ideas, I'd greatly appreciate it!
This month the bonus pic revolves around a random word.
My random word is "anecdote".
How in the world am I going to take a picture that revolves around the word anecdote? If a passer-by has any ideas, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Today's Inspirational Thought
There's some loose energy right now; you'll finally get enough room to move around.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
CanCon 2006
There is a website discussion board that primarily revolves around the now defunct show, Alias, SD-1. A couple of years ago, a group of us were debating back and forth in the respective political party threads when a neutral zone was created - Safe Chats with CanCan. And within that zone, I have come to know some of the most amazing women from all over the world now.
And some of us are meeting in Chicago this weekend! I'm so excited. We often joke how we're our own "imaginary" friends, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Several of us have met each other separately, but this is the first time five of us will be together at the same time! If only more could join us...
So if you happen to be in Chicago this weekend and see a group of women walking around with CanCon shirts and/or buttons on....get out of the way! We're on a mission to have some fun! ;)
Today's Inspirational Thought
Patience is a virtue that you will need to become best friends with -- for a while.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
There's always another side to the story. Don't accept this at face value.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Sort challenges into those that frustrate and those that inspire, then tackle both.
Missing in Action
What can I say? I have been more than lax in my posting duties and have no other reason except for apathy.
What started as a hiatus due to visiting my little brother and his family at Fort Riley, KS, turned into a lame duck excuse to drop off the planet.
Except I didn't drop off the planet. I landed next to an Apache helicopter! :o
So, now I'm back. (Insert Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" in whatever key you sing.)
I'm running the Dash for Donation 1/2 marathon on July 22, 2006 here in Columbus. I have recently, i.e. today, started training again. I did 3.5 miles this morning at the gym on the treadmill. I abhor running on a treadmill. There's nothing to stop me from stopping. I much rather run outside and go somewhere, if only for the simple fact that I have to get back where I started. Pretty good logic there, no??
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Get ready for things to get a lot easier now. Life's going downhill (in a good way).
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Taking Control
For far too long I have let other things control my life. What I look like? What others think? Well, today I'm going to try and stop that.
I've always been very cautious about my dieting habits. I've always been somewhat embarrased by the fact that I seem to be on a constant diet. My friends tell me I'm crazy. I've already lost close to 100 pounds but it's this last 20 that is giving me fits.
I've done every weight loss program you can imagine. Jenny Craig (it works - lost my first 30 with Jenny); Modified Weight Watchers Points; LA Weight Loss. Watching what I eat and exercising has always worked the best. But lately, I've hit a plataeu. Nothing was working. So one day I saw an informercial for Body Victory by Marilu Henner. It advocates no diary, red meat or refined sugars and food combining. The first four days are focused on eliminating the Bad Fours - diary, red meat, sugar and alcohol. Alcohol is easy - I don't drink that much anyway. Starting with day five, the food combining comes into play. Fruits must be eaten alone. Starches can only be eaten with vegetables and proteins can only be eaten with vegetables. Starches and protein in one meal is a big no-no.
It's day two and so far, so good. I had a slight headache yesterday from the lack of sugar. It's amazing how sugar just creeps into all sorts of foods!
But today I resolved to myself, to take control of my life.
I've always been very cautious about my dieting habits. I've always been somewhat embarrased by the fact that I seem to be on a constant diet. My friends tell me I'm crazy. I've already lost close to 100 pounds but it's this last 20 that is giving me fits.
I've done every weight loss program you can imagine. Jenny Craig (it works - lost my first 30 with Jenny); Modified Weight Watchers Points; LA Weight Loss. Watching what I eat and exercising has always worked the best. But lately, I've hit a plataeu. Nothing was working. So one day I saw an informercial for Body Victory by Marilu Henner. It advocates no diary, red meat or refined sugars and food combining. The first four days are focused on eliminating the Bad Fours - diary, red meat, sugar and alcohol. Alcohol is easy - I don't drink that much anyway. Starting with day five, the food combining comes into play. Fruits must be eaten alone. Starches can only be eaten with vegetables and proteins can only be eaten with vegetables. Starches and protein in one meal is a big no-no.
It's day two and so far, so good. I had a slight headache yesterday from the lack of sugar. It's amazing how sugar just creeps into all sorts of foods!
But today I resolved to myself, to take control of my life.
Today's Inspirational Thought
Today's a good time to take control. Push things in the direction you want to take.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Take people as they actually are, not as how you think they should be.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
In honor of today's activities - A bad day of golf is better than a good day at the office. :-)
Not that today's golfing was wasn't. We were en fuego!
Not that today's golfing was wasn't. We were en fuego!
June 12 of 12
Yippie! I did it! I wasn't able to get the bonus pic at 10 a.m. as I left my camera in my car at the golf course, but I got my 12 pics done! All pictures taken in the greater Columbus, Ohio area.
6.16 a.m. Wake up call!
7.45 a.m. Shorts or jeans? Either is appropriate for the golf course I'm playing at. The question is what to wear when the high is a good 20 degrees below the norm! -- I opted for khaki pants. ;-)
8.05 a.m. Fore! Loading up the clubs for a good ole' fashion golf scramble. (FYI - We played very good for us...we finished even!)
8.40 a.m. The open road! Actually, the road back towards the golf course. I drove past it on the first try.
3.15 p.m. Gas for $2.69 a gallon! Ordinarily this would not make me very happy, but I had just passed a string of gas stations for $2.95 a gallon! Anyone care to tell me what caused gas to increae thirty cents in seven hours??
3.30 p.m. My local National City bank branch. I had to try and find a deposit that was recorded as an "incomplete transaction" at the ATM Sunday afternoon. Needless to say, I'm a little ticked. I have to try back tomorrow after the checks are counted and if it isn't caught, I have to file an ATM dispute. The good news is that it was a work check, so I can track it if the bank cancels it.
4.25 p.m. You've Got Mail! Shape Magazine and various items of junk! Ooh la la!
5.05 p.m. The Supercouple Returns! Steve and Kayla are returning to Days of Our Lives so I set my DVR to record it again for the time being. We'll see how the storyline progresses. It's been FOREVER since I watched Days with any regularity.
6.10 p.m. A look at my gradebook. It was time for me to download student assignments. Fun times!
6.30 p.m. Just checking up on one of my favorite blogs to read! ;-)
7.30 p.m. Time to do the dishes!
8.10 p.m. My cell phone and The Broker. How I'm going to spend my evening. Talking to my boyfriend and reading a few chapters.
Viola! My first of 12 of 12!
I hope you enjoy!

Viola! My first of 12 of 12!
I hope you enjoy!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Closer

If you aren't watching this show, you're missing out. Kyra Sedgwick is phenononmal! The stories pop and the chemistry amongst the stars is great. I really like the dynamic between Kyra and Jon Tenny.
The Closer - Check it Out! Mondays at 9 p.m. Eastern on TNT.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Put your needs behind the needs of others today and you will gain in the long run.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
Something beyond your control will push all your plans forward into action today.
And it's actually very appropriate today...
And it's actually very appropriate today...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Today's Inspirational Thought
A little late. But you know what they say, "better late than never!"
Efforts you put into things now will pay off tenfold. Roll up your sleeves and go!
Efforts you put into things now will pay off tenfold. Roll up your sleeves and go!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Idea for a Class Exercise
By day I fight the good fight for the members of my bargaining unit. By night (and all hours of the day really) I teach Business Law online for Franklin University. In the last week of the class, one item they learn about is the "fair use" exception to copyright law. Tonight, in my bid to be as nosy as the next person and see the picture of Shiloh Nouvel, I found it on, which had reposted all the legal correspondence it received regarding said posting. is making the argument that the posting of the thumbnail constitutes a fair use. Obviously Time, Inc. disagrees. Heck, tomorrow it really won't matter as the issues of People and Hello! will be published with the real pictures. I think it'll be interesting to see how the students handle the issue.
Today's Inspirational Thought
Have faith in yourself. If you imagine you can do it, it's already nearly done.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Which Sports Car Are You?
I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!
You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
I hate I'm not necessarily thrilled with this bit of information but the description does fit me to a tee! ;-)
Take the quiz yourself!
Quiz courtesy of Miss Mantoan's blogspot.
Blog Title
I'm sure some may be wondering what my blog title means. I firmly believe in the caveat - "Everything happens for a reason." I just wish I knew I what the reason was when it happens! That and it's catchy. I'm all about the catch.
First Post
So, I've been on the internet for what feels like an eternity and through my travels, I've read plenty of blogs. I even had a Live Journal account, whichI used.....once. So, you ask, why create a new blog? Well, I'll tell you. It's all due to Chad Darnell and his 12 of 12. It's a little thing he's got going on his blog where he and several (multiples of ten, several) readers take and post 12 pictures of themselves and/or their lives on the 12th day of every month. I'm sitting here at work and thought for one minute that I might give it a shot. I'll be golfing on the 12th, so it should be interesting.
So, that's the primary reason for the blog. A secondary reason I suppose could be to serve as a simple journal of sorts. Random thoughts, etc. Again, we'll see how it goes. Are you getting the theme? I'm laid back...take everything as it comes.
With that said, I shall return to post more information about me. I just wanted to get this blog started. :-)
So, that's the primary reason for the blog. A secondary reason I suppose could be to serve as a simple journal of sorts. Random thoughts, etc. Again, we'll see how it goes. Are you getting the theme? I'm laid back...take everything as it comes.
With that said, I shall return to post more information about me. I just wanted to get this blog started. :-)
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