Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why the Writer's Strike Needs to End

I read this over at the Late Show writers strike blog...
URGENT: THE STRIKE NEEDS TO END - Posted Friday, January 25, 2008





Freakin' hysterical. True. But freakin' hysterical.

23 - Water

My Water post goes hand in hand with #126 - Tools. Here is a photo of the aforementioned leak.

23 - Water
I took this picture so I could take it Home Depot to try and fix it myself. Once I decided that I was not a plumber, I took a closer look at the picture for possible inclusion in my 366 photos project. The shot actually caught some water drops in mid-air. I wasn't trying to capture the drops.

126 - Tool(s)

So, I woke this morning to sound of rushing water coming from somewhere in my kitchen. Lo and behold, it was my hot water heater. The pipes had corroded to the point of a small leak. The overfill basin did its job and caught the water and thankfully I heard the water and took a look.

I called a plumber and I now present theme number 126 - Tool(s).

126 - Tools

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What Kind of World Do You Want?

John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting inspired this site to ask "What kind of world do you want?" People are invited to upload videos that answer that question. When a video is viewed, a donation is made to the video author's charity of choice. John has preselected five charities:

So, if you have a few minutes to spare. Watch a video and you'll do some good.

History starts now.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Space is a funny thing. Some people need big space. Some people need loud space, while others need quiet space. What works for one, doesn't always work for someone else.

Today I met my friend Jacqui at the Northstar Cafe in the Short North to get our grading done. The food was good but it didn't make up for the lack of WiFi and the noise. It was so loud in there. I like a bit of white noise, but this was red noise.

I'll stick to my space at Panera. Free WiFi. Plenty of coffee to go around and it's quiet.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

88 - Ink

For those who visited January's 12 of 12, my friend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy at 1:18 p.m., 21.5 inches, 8.5 lbs. In his honor, I present "Ink"...


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

94 - Post Box

Because I live in a condo, I have a community mailbox area. Here is my little box...

94 - Post Box

201 - Coffee

Since I can't do plain is my take: A nonfat caramel latte from Panera.

201 - Coffee

January 12 of 12 v3.0

It's another year of 12 of 12! Mr. Chad Darnell came up with the idea to see how people spend the 12the day of the month. The idea is to take pictures that are demonstrable of your day on the 12th day of the month! So, here is my version of January 12, 2008!

11:59 a.m.
Self portrait as I head out the door to meet Kelly and try and entice her baby to join us in the world.

12:35 p.m.

The sky was so clear today. It made it seem much warmer than it actually was.

12:45 p.m.

The specials at Mimi's Cafe.
12:45 p.m.

2:19 p.m.
Following Kelly around. We were trying to make her baby decide he wanted to be born today.
2:19 p.m.

2:59 p.m.

The children's playpen at Polaris. Some of those kids were running around like loons with no parental supervision!
2:59 p.m.

3:50 p.m.
A belly picture for posterity! We walked around for over an hour...and nothing! She did have some contractions...just none that prompted a trip to the hospital.
3:50 p.m.

4:13 p.m.

The view from my car waiting in traffic on Polaris Parkway. I needed to return the extra TiVo wireless adapter I bought last weekend.
4:13 p.m.

4:38 p.m.
A caramel latte with skim from Panera. YUM!
4:38 p.m.

5:09 p.m.

The sun as it set behind the Great Indoors. (I thought it ironic.)
5:09 p.m.

5:40 p.m.
Home Sweet Home! The view as I backed into my garage.
5:40 p.m.

5:50 p.m.

I picked up some pad thai for dinner. YUMMO!
5:50 p.m.

5:55 p.m.
Settling down in front of the greatest invention ever made...TiVo!
5:55 p.m

316 - Apple

Ah, the glorious apple. The Fuji apple to be exact. I wanted to try and emulate my friend Helen's shot of a row of cupcakes. Somehow I didn't get the same effect.

Why Writers Write

They write to tell a story.
They write to express emotion.
They write to encourage society.
They write to make a difference.
They write to let us feel.

As I watched Thursday's episode of Grey's Anatomy, "Lay Your Hands on Me", the importance of writers became more clear. As Bailey broke down in Shepard's arms, I found myself crying. It was Allan Heinberg's words. His story. Don't get me wrong Chandra Wilson did an impeccable job acting out Heinberg's words, but it was his writing that created the emotion.

It is that storytelling that keeps us coming back for more. It is that storytelling that allows the producers to make money from advertising to the viewers who keep coming back for more stories.

The writers deserve their fair share.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

1 - Sparkle

Since the first theme of 366 photos is "Sparkle", I thought this picture was appropriate as it was taken on January 1, 2008, shortly after midnight.

366 Photos

My good friend Helen came upon this idea to take 366 photos in 2008. Several friends are also taking part, so I thought it might be nice to try and keep up.


1. Photos must be taken between 12:01am January 1st 2008 and 11:59pm December 31st 2008.
2. Photos must be your own, not taken from other people.
3. Photos to be posted in your Blog/Blurty/Photobucket (linked to), etc.
4. All images remain yours.
5. You don't have to take the photo themes in order, nor to take exactly one photo each day - many people work long hours or hours which mean few free daylight hours - you may find you cross off three themes in one day. Think of it as a photographic treasure hunt or quest.
6. All images must be original, not photoshopped - the point is to have fun and challenge yourself to improve photography, not how well you can correct your mistakes with manipulation (this one is reliant on people's honesty, but hey, I never PS).
7. No nudity, porn, or illegality!