Monday, January 21, 2008


Space is a funny thing. Some people need big space. Some people need loud space, while others need quiet space. What works for one, doesn't always work for someone else.

Today I met my friend Jacqui at the Northstar Cafe in the Short North to get our grading done. The food was good but it didn't make up for the lack of WiFi and the noise. It was so loud in there. I like a bit of white noise, but this was red noise.

I'll stick to my space at Panera. Free WiFi. Plenty of coffee to go around and it's quiet.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Hey! I like your layout for your blog! How do you get the little link things on both sides of it? (does that make any sense?) If not... the links, like the blog archive, links, fellow 366 photogs, 366 themes. Mine will only go on one side... its kind of annoying.

I'm sorry you had red noise while grading. That's never fun. :o(