11:59 a.m.
Self portrait as I head out the door to meet Kelly and try and entice her baby to join us in the world.
12:35 p.m.
The sky was so clear today. It made it seem much warmer than it actually was.
12:45 p.m.
The specials at Mimi's Cafe.
2:19 p.m.
Following Kelly around. We were trying to make her baby decide he wanted to be born today.
2:59 p.m.
The children's playpen at Polaris. Some of those kids were running around like loons with no parental supervision!
3:50 p.m.
A belly picture for posterity! We walked around for over an hour...and nothing! She did have some contractions...just none that prompted a trip to the hospital.
4:13 p.m.
The view from my car waiting in traffic on Polaris Parkway. I needed to return the extra TiVo wireless adapter I bought last weekend.
4:38 p.m.
A caramel latte with skim from Panera. YUM!
5:09 p.m.
The sun as it set behind the Great Indoors. (I thought it ironic.)
5:40 p.m.
Home Sweet Home! The view as I backed into my garage.
5:50 p.m.
I picked up some pad thai for dinner. YUMMO!
5:55 p.m.
Settling down in front of the greatest invention ever made...TiVo!
Yay! Your hair looks so cute! And so does your friend's pregnant belly! Haha.
Those playgrounds always crack me up. There's a mall here where the toys for the kids to climb around on are breakfast foods. Slidey pieces of bacon, slices of bananas, fried eggs, and waffles. So cute.
I wonder if I could get some Thai here in London for breakfast before I go home, tasty!!
I like your haircut! And wow, even walking around this long couldn't make the baby want to come. :passout: Your friend looks really cute though with her belly. :lovely:
I love the sunset picture. And yeah, the Great Indoors is ironic. :lol:
I like your hair and the Great Indoors sunset :D
And Kelly looks lovely - I hope Baby decides to come soon!
DAmn we don't have TiVo here (not yet...)
So did your friend Kelly had her baby yet ?
and that caramel latte looks yummy !!!
I love your new haircut! It's very cute on you! What a cute belly picture, too! :)
I add a vote to the haircut! :lol:
and Mimi's cafe and Panera!! yum! you might as well have been in Cali ;)
Pad Thai - YUM! Your friend looks ready to pop - did she have her baby yet?
awesome post - now i'm hungry for pad thai.
Great shots! :)
Hello Elaine,
This is Hibe (aka Gary). I’m participating in the 12 of 12 challenge also. I have included in my 12 of 12 homepage a link to the page you listed with Chad. If this is not permissible with you, please email me Hibe@rcn.com or drop a comment at http://hibes12of12.blogspot.com/ . Please feel free to post my link if you wish.
Hope to see some baby pics next month.
Wow! A baby would've made for a GREAT 12 of 12. Hee! ;)
I love that you spent the day trying to coax the baby into the world. Very cool.
sorry your friend's baby didn't cooperate...but looks like you two had a nice time!
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